“I am truthing” or “I truth” is the literal meaning of the word ἀληθεύω.
I am convinced that truth is not only something to be searchced, found, learned, grasped, appreciated, spoken, shared, or treasured. In fact, the ultimate truth, or Truth, is not something but someone. It is someone for us to become and embody.
Truth is a person. His name is Jesus. He walked on the earth 2000 years ago. He died for the sin of all mankind and resurrected on the third day. Whoever believes into His name, that is, into His very person, receives the indestructible, eternal life of the only true God and is given the capacity to know the truth, walk in truth, and even become truth—to truth.
A life of truthing is the most freeing, fulfilling, and fantastic life anyone can possibly live.
Would you like to truth? Yes!